Keep Swinging

PUBLISHED: Earth Island Journal

TITLE: Keep Swinging

TAGLINE: We are in a moment of convergence where our past is present, and our future is still in our grasp.

“For three days after the Biden inauguration, I nursed an emotional hangover. For me — and dear reader, since I’m hoping we might become friends, I want to be transparent about my own bias — the inauguration was a release from the pains that bind me, if only for a moment. And I gorged. For ten hours, I leaned into the words, images, and pageantry that are an expression of a democracy we are still dreaming. We are, as poet Amanda Gorman eloquently reminds us, unfinished. We must not, as CNN commentator Van Jones says, “let the pain have the last word.””


Carolyn Finney


Hunting While Black and Questioning our Cultural Competency with Dr. Carolyn Finney